
  • 外 文 名: Liu Wen
  • 民       族: 汉族
  • 身       高: 178cm
  • 体       重: 52kg
  • 出 生 地: 湖南-永州
  • 生       日: 1988年1月27日


  自然,干净,清澈得像一股泉水,不爱说话,会用眼神来沟通,眼睛里充满了内容  。”(王红民评)

  她的美在于稚气与可爱,简单得漂亮、漂亮得简单  。(杭州在线评)

  就像一张白纸一样任人书画,看似没有风格,其实极有风格  。(新桂女报评)

  来自北京的刘雯,是个游戏规则的颠覆者,不断突破界限  。(MDC评)

  As China’s biggest supermodel Liu Wen is in a class by herself. With her status as Estee Lauder’s first Asian face and consistent with fashion’s finest designers Liu Wen has established herself as a fixture on and off the runways. Her innate charm and graceful beauty make her a favorite of American Vogue, W, V and countless others. (MDC评)
